Learn how allowing pets in rentals can attract responsible tenants and increase income.
Should you allow pets in your rental property? As a landlord or property owner, this is a question you’ve likely considered. Let’s break it down.
When we talk about pets, there are three main categories to think about: standard pets like dogs and cats, emotional support animals (ESAs), and service animals. The rules for each vary, and understanding them is key to making the right decision.
Allowing pets can significantly expand the pool of potential tenants. Many responsible tenants own pets, and by saying yes, you make your property appealing to a wider audience. On the other hand, it’s important to know your rights. While you can choose to say no to standard pets, things change when it comes to ESAs and service animals.
These animals are legally protected under housing regulations, much like accessibility features for individuals with physical disabilities. In short, you can’t refuse someone with a verified ESA or service animal.
"If you want to attract more tenants, allowing pets could be a great choice."
One common concern is making sure that any animal on your property is legitimate. That’s where third-party verification comes in. This process ensures that only genuine service animals or emotional support animals are accepted. For regular pets, it’s wise to have policies in place to protect your property. Consider collecting a pet deposit or charging a monthly pet rent. These steps not only help cover potential damages, but also show tenants you take your property’s upkeep seriously.
Ultimately, whether to allow pets comes down to your goals as a landlord. If you want to attract more tenants, allowing pets could be a great choice. Just make sure you understand the difference between pets, ESAs, and service animals, and have clear guidelines to ensure your property stays in top condition.
If you have any questions about pet policies or other rental property concerns, feel free to reach out. Call us at
602-581-3586, email
cassie@patpm.com, or connect with us on Instagram at
@patpm77 and Facebook at
fb.com/PatPM77. We're here to help you navigate every step of the process.