Find out the main advantages landlords gain by hiring a property manager.
Do landlords need to hire property managers? It depends on what you’re looking for in your investment. Here are the three main things property managers can do to help property owners protect and maximize their investment:
1. Manage repairs and maintenance. The primary responsibility for property repairs and maintenance falls on the owner, but if the tenant causes any damage, they may be responsible for those specific repairs. At Patriot Property Management, we handle these responsibilities to save you from the hassle of dealing with late-night emergencies. Our maintenance line is available 24/7 to address any urgent issues.
"Managing a property can be a lot of work, but property managers make everything easier."
2. Refer top-rated professionals. With years of experience in real estate, we have developed a pool of trusted vendors. While we may not always opt for the cheapest option, we ensure that the best professionals in town handle the job. We have vetted these vendors to make sure they are insured and qualified, providing you with peace of mind.
3. Assure independence and transparency. An important aspect of our service is our independence from third-party vendors. We have no financial interest in any vendor, ensuring that our choices are unbiased and focused solely on the quality of service. Unlike some property management companies that may have financial ties to vendors, our only goal is to provide the best care for your property and tenants.
If you need help managing your property, please don’t hesitate to partner with us at Patriot Property Management for quality service you can trust. Contact us today by calling 602-581-3586 to learn more about how we can help manage your property effectively and efficiently. We look forward to hearing from you!